Identification |
Official term | |
Unit identifier | TAH:U5975 |
Unit type | pair set |
Materiality | immaterial |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | A cerebral sulcus is a subarachnoid sulcus [sulcus subarachnoideus ] which extends to the surface of the brain [cerebrum ]. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
human body
TAH:U5062 | |
TAH:U5068 | |
TAH:U5257 | |
TAH:U5262 | |
TAH:U5264 | |
TAH:U12095 | |
TAH:U5971 | |
TAH:U5975 | cerebral hemisphere (pair) |
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67112 | |
FMA:5897 | |
FMA:84926 | |
FMA:84953 | |
FMA:84881 | |
FMA:75759 | |
FMA:327491 | cerebral sulcus |
Date: 03.08.2023 |